Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Obama Sends Jobs Bill To Congress, Calls For Passage 'Immediately' | Fox News

Obama Sends Jobs Bill To Congress, Calls For Passage 'Immediately' | Fox News: "While the package contains a host of proposals that have received bipartisan support in the past, the overall package -- while smaller -- bears a number of similarities to the 2009 stimulus bill that Republicans loathe. It relies on a blend of state aid, tax breaks and infrastructure spending, as well as unemployment assistance. GOP leaders have said they're open to working with the president. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor's office said in an email Monday the party will work to find areas of "common ground" to help small business.

"While we have a different vision for what is needed to support job creation in our country, we appreciate the president's pledge to transmit legislation to Congress and will immediately request that it be scored by the Congressional Budget Office," House Speaker John Boehner said in a statement. "

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NOTE: The republicans and democrats still have a long ways to go to get jobs going!

Obama Sends Jobs Bill To Congress, Calls For Passage 'Immediately' | Fox News

Obama Sends Jobs Bill To Congress, Calls For Passage 'Immediately' | Fox News: ""The American people don't have the luxury of waiting 14 months for Congress to take action," he said. "

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NOTE: AND where has OBAMA been the last 3 years or so when it comes to being radical to fix the economy: no dealings with foreclosure fraud, late on the game for home loan modification reforms, etc. etc. etc.

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