Tonight (sunday) we received this report. Remember it is Monday Morning in Japan. This is about 1,000th the size of the original earthquake so the tsunami is much smaller, unless the source is deeper than before.
Japan issues new tsunami advisory after earthquake - "(CNN) -- Authorities issued a tsunami advisory Monday morning for coastal areas of Miyagi Prefecture in northeastern Japan after a 6.5-magnitude quake struck the region, the Japan Meteorological Agency said.
The agency said the tsunami height was expected to be about 0.5 meters, or 1.6 feet, tall."
Housing, Unemployment, Stimulus, Gold, and Politics all topics that affect our everyday lives. These topics intertwine to paint a picture of the state of the union. This is sister blog to Foreclosures Evictions and You.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
LIBYA is costing us 1 billion. Is it worth it? The presidential addresss point out a few things that are very interesting. I do believe in the right of a President to take military action - I also think it is really smart if you talk to Congress beforehand... History will decide. I do think there will be troops in Libya on the ground despite the words spoken here
Excerpt from the speech are below the video:
I firmly believe that when innocent people are being brutalized; when someone like Qaddafi threatens a bloodbath that could destabilize an entire region; and when the international community is prepared to come together to save many thousands of lives—then it’s in our national interest to act. And it’s our responsibility. This is one of those times.
Our military mission in Libya is clear and focused. Along with our allies and partners, we’re enforcing the mandate of the United Nations Security Council. We’re protecting the Libyan people from Qaddafi’s forces. And we’ve put in place a no fly zone and other measures to prevent further atrocities.
We’re succeeding in our mission. We’ve taken out Libya’s air defenses. Qaddafi’s forces are no longer advancing across Libya. In places like Benghazi, a city of some 700,000 that Qaddafi threatened to show “no mercy,” his forces have been pushed back. So make no mistake, because we acted quickly, a humanitarian catastrophe has been avoided and the lives of countless civilians—innocent men, women and children—have been saved.
As I pledged at the outset, the role of American forces has been limited. We are not putting any ground forces into Libya. Our military has provided unique capabilities at the beginning
NOTE: Today's news tells that rebel troops are retreating towards Triopoli, Israel is in danger, and that we DO have ground forces in Libya already.
Additional news excerpts:
Readout of President Obama's call with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu
Posted on March 24, 2011 at 04:59 PM EDT
Type: Press Article, Statements and Releases
President Obama called Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu today to convey his condolences over the terrorist attack in Jerusalem yesterday, which killed one person and wounded many others, and to express his concern about the recent rocket and mortar attacks against Israel from Gaza. The President reaffirmed the United States’ unwavering commitment to Israel’s security. The Prime Minister expressed appreciation for the call and said thatIsrael would continue to update the United States on the investigation into the attack in Jerusalem. The leaders agreed to remain in close touch on a range of regional security issues. ...
NOTE: TODAY FOX NEWS REPORTED THAT THERE ARE GROUND TROOPS IN LIBYA AND THAT THE UNDERSTANDING IS THAT SOMEONE AT THE WHITE HOUSE MIGHT HAVE MISCOMMUNICATED........ REALLY?????? Given what we have seen government do in the foreclosure fight, pardon my inability to believe anything this administration says.
Remarks by the President on Libya: "Today We are Part of a Broad Coalition. We are Answering the Calls of a Threatened People. And We are Acting in the Interests of the United States and the World"
Posted on March 20, 2011 at 11:46 AM EDT
Type: Blog Post
yesterday , we will not -- I repeat -- we will not deploy any U.S. troops on the ground. As Commander-in-Chief, I have great confidence in the men and women of our military who will carry out this mission. They carry with them the respect ... Yesterday, President Obama delivered remarks on the United States' response to the situation inLibya, "authoriz[ing] the Armed Forces of the United States to begin a limited military action in Libya in support of an international effort to protect Libyan civilians." Read the full remarks below: Good afternoon, everybody. Today I authorized the Armed Forces of the United States to begin a limited military action in Libya in support of an international effort ...
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Florida law firm to pay $2 million to settle foreclosure fraud charges - The Washington Post
NOTE: INQUIRING Minds would like to know why it takes AG's to do the job (AND DETERMINE SETTTLEMENT AWARDS) when the courts ARE NOT doing their job. If Florida and other states had the judges with 1/2 the caliber of New York's Judge Schack, the necessity of the AG investigation would be moot point.
Half of the fees paid by Marshall Watson will go to the Florida attorney general’s office to fund investigations; the rest will go to a state nonprofit group that provides legal assistance to Florida homeowners facing foreclosure. The settlement also requires the firm to prepare foreclosure paperwork beyond what is required by Florida law.
Thomas Ice, whose Florida law firm was the first to depose Jeffrey Stephan, the now famous “robo-signer” whose testimony forced banks to impose a mass freeze on foreclosures last fall, said the settlement is “a step in the right direction” but does not go far enough because it does not help those who have lost their homes to possibly fraudulent practices.
“I think there are going to be a lot of people upset about this,"
Radioactivity levels high in the sea off Japan nuclear plant -
Radioactivity levels high in the sea off Japan nuclear plant - "Even as engineers tried to pump puddles of radioactive water from the power plant 150 miles north of Tokyo, the nuclear safety agency said tests Friday showed radioactive iodine had spiked 1,250 times higher than normal in the seawater just offshore from the plant.
Officials said iodine 131 levels in seawater 19 miles from the coastal nuclear complex were within acceptable limits established by regulations and the contamination posed little risk to aquatic life.
Photos: Japan's earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis
'Ocean currents will disperse radiation particles and so it will be very diluted by the time it gets consumed by fish and seaweed,' said Hidehiko Nishiyama, a senior official from Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency.
Despite that reassurance, the disclosure may well heighten international concern over Japanese seafood exports. Several countries have already banned milk and produce from areas around the Fukushima Daiichi plant, while others have been monitoring Japanese seafood."
Officials said iodine 131 levels in seawater 19 miles from the coastal nuclear complex were within acceptable limits established by regulations and the contamination posed little risk to aquatic life.
Photos: Japan's earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis
'Ocean currents will disperse radiation particles and so it will be very diluted by the time it gets consumed by fish and seaweed,' said Hidehiko Nishiyama, a senior official from Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency.
Despite that reassurance, the disclosure may well heighten international concern over Japanese seafood exports. Several countries have already banned milk and produce from areas around the Fukushima Daiichi plant, while others have been monitoring Japanese seafood."
Tsunami and radiation may sink Japanese fishermen | Reuters
This may affect America's economy with pricing structure for fish. The whole crisis will affect pricing on cars, technology etc.
Sasaki has been cleaning the family store, where a water line at about five meters high marks where the tsunami struck. She expects to be back in business well before most fishermen from the area.
'The question remains: what did the tsunami do to the sea?'"
Meet the 10-Year-Old CEO of a $500,000 Family Business - AOL Small Business
Meet the 10-Year-Old CEO of a $500,000 Family Business - AOL Small Business: "Hannah Altman is a fifth-grader by day and a CEO by night.
The 10-year-old helps oversee Hannah's Cool World, which has 12,000 registered customers across the globe, having shipped products to countries as far away as Italy, Israel, Norway, Spain, Australia and New Zealand. In 2009, the year it launched, the website sold more than 250,000 pencil toppers, referred to as squishies.
Hannah's Cool World is part of West Bloomfield, Mich.-based IBeOn, the $500,000 company Hannah's parents, Rick and Lauren, started in 2007. The name for their business's website was CoolZips, something then-6-year-old Hannah came up with -- the beginning of her professional life. sells handmade decorative zipper pulls for duffel bags, jackets, backpacks, stuffed animals and the like."
Sharing information and tips to increase earnings. Increase your passive, residual income. Guest bloggers welcome.
The 10-year-old helps oversee Hannah's Cool World, which has 12,000 registered customers across the globe, having shipped products to countries as far away as Italy, Israel, Norway, Spain, Australia and New Zealand. In 2009, the year it launched, the website sold more than 250,000 pencil toppers, referred to as squishies.
Hannah's Cool World is part of West Bloomfield, Mich.-based IBeOn, the $500,000 company Hannah's parents, Rick and Lauren, started in 2007. The name for their business's website was CoolZips, something then-6-year-old Hannah came up with -- the beginning of her professional life. sells handmade decorative zipper pulls for duffel bags, jackets, backpacks, stuffed animals and the like."
Sharing information and tips to increase earnings. Increase your passive, residual income. Guest bloggers welcome.
Monday, March 21, 2011
how-to-erase-70000-in-debt: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
how-to-erase-70000-in-debt: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance: "ow did you do it? We traded in the new Honda Civic that we had bought two months before for a used Jeep Cherokee, and we sold our other car. We canceled our cable and got a cheaper cell-phone plan, and we budgeted only for necessities and $25 a month each for spending money. We found better deals on homeowners and auto insurance.
Image credit: Christopher Churchill
Jaime Tardy
Surely a strict budget can't account for everything. We took on extra work to bring in more income. In my job as project manager for a video-on-demand company, I was paid $40 more a day to work on-site with cable companies. So I traveled a lot and worked 70 hours a week. My husband, who is a performing artist, was doing Web and graphic design on the side. We made $140,000 in 2006 and lived on about $40,000 of our post-tax income.
Did you get any help? I read every personal-finance book I could find. And I called personal-finance radio host Dave Ramsey during his show for advice. I had enough money in my bank account to pay off our last loan — we owed about $23,000."
Image credit: Christopher Churchill
Jaime Tardy
Surely a strict budget can't account for everything. We took on extra work to bring in more income. In my job as project manager for a video-on-demand company, I was paid $40 more a day to work on-site with cable companies. So I traveled a lot and worked 70 hours a week. My husband, who is a performing artist, was doing Web and graphic design on the side. We made $140,000 in 2006 and lived on about $40,000 of our post-tax income.
Did you get any help? I read every personal-finance book I could find. And I called personal-finance radio host Dave Ramsey during his show for advice. I had enough money in my bank account to pay off our last loan — we owed about $23,000."
Sunday, March 20, 2011
A Tale of Two Industries: Banking and Everyone Else
A Tale of Two Industries: Banking and Everyone Else: "Except median happiness and wellbeing of the populus is not determined by mean GDP and if this were a free-market economy the banks would have all gone bankrupt when the credit crisis reared it's ugly head (taking the rest of the economy with it) and have only been enabled to continue paying ever more enormous salaries because of external support. Making the rich even richer at the expense of everyone else may increase GDP and make 1% of the population a little happier while 99% become more miserable.
Don't Just Bash The Bankers (Merryn Somerset Webb) "
Don't Just Bash The Bankers (Merryn Somerset Webb) "
TheSpec - Progress reported in Japan’s efforts to ease crisis...
If one more person tells me that they are not worried because of what they watch on the news... .well I might just scream loud enough to wake up some people sleeping in the next room! If you REALLY thing the gov. is going to protect you - then look at the responses in natural disasters. Read up and listen to the words of officials in another country that tells people all is well.
The pills help reduce chances of thyroid cancer, one of the diseases that may develop from radiation exposure, by preventing the body from absorbing radioactive iodine. The official, Kazuma Yokota, said the explosion that occurred while venting the plant’s Unit 3 reactor a week ago should have triggered the distribution. But the order came only three days later.
“We should have made this decision and announced it sooner,” Yokota told reporters at the emergency command centre in Fukushima. “It is true that we had not foreseen a disaster of these proportions. We had not practised or trained for something this bad. We must admit that we were not fully prepared.”"
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Japan nuclear crisis: Options are few to prevent Japan nuclear catastrophe -
Japan nuclear crisis: Options are few to prevent Japan nuclear catastrophe - "Encasing the fuel rods in sand and concrete, furthermore, would trap heat and allow them to get much hotter than they are now, potentially enabling them to burn through the concrete and escape from their tomb.
Because the fuel rods and the reactors are so hot, the concrete would undergo a phenomenon called flash-set, in which it would solidify extremely rapidly.
But the result would be a material with a consistency much like gravel rather than stone.
'My gut feeling is, it's a bad idea,' Lewis said.
Officials at Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency on Saturday said it was highly unlikely that workers could use massive amounts of sand or cement to smother the super-hot fuel inside the reactors or storage pools at the Daiichi plant any time in the near future.
'We believe it is not a realistic option,' said the agency's Hidehiko Nishiyama.
Teruaki Kobayashi of Tokyo Electric Power Co. said the company had not ruled out the entombment strategy. But he added that the possibility was remote unless conditions at the plant changed substantially — for instance, if the fuel rods caught fire and began spewing radioactive ash everywhere."
Because the fuel rods and the reactors are so hot, the concrete would undergo a phenomenon called flash-set, in which it would solidify extremely rapidly.
But the result would be a material with a consistency much like gravel rather than stone.
'My gut feeling is, it's a bad idea,' Lewis said.
Officials at Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency on Saturday said it was highly unlikely that workers could use massive amounts of sand or cement to smother the super-hot fuel inside the reactors or storage pools at the Daiichi plant any time in the near future.
'We believe it is not a realistic option,' said the agency's Hidehiko Nishiyama.
Teruaki Kobayashi of Tokyo Electric Power Co. said the company had not ruled out the entombment strategy. But he added that the possibility was remote unless conditions at the plant changed substantially — for instance, if the fuel rods caught fire and began spewing radioactive ash everywhere."
Nuclear reactor crisis: Is radiation a threat to US? -
Nuclear reactor crisis: Is radiation a threat to US? - "“The question is not can it reach us. The question is, in what concentration,” says Daniel Hirsch, a lecturer in nuclear policy at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and president of the Committee to Bridge the Gap, a nonprofit that works to expose what it says are the dangers of nuclear power."
Pew State of The News Media 2011: Cable News Ratings Down, But Revenues Up - TVNewser
Pew State of The News Media 2011: Cable News Ratings Down, But Revenues Up - TVNewser: "The world of cable news was healthy financially, even as ratings slipped from 2010, according to Pew’s Project for Excellence in Journalism 2011 “State of the Media” report, which was released today.
The PEJ report on cable news channels is worth reading in full, but here are some of the key takeaways.
The biggest takeaway is that while ratings were down across the board in 2010 for the big three cable news channels, revenues and profits were up.
Compere this chart showing overall primetime viewers for the channels:"
Sharing information and tips to increase earnings. Increase your passive, residual income. Guest bloggers welcome.
The PEJ report on cable news channels is worth reading in full, but here are some of the key takeaways.
The biggest takeaway is that while ratings were down across the board in 2010 for the big three cable news channels, revenues and profits were up.
Compere this chart showing overall primetime viewers for the channels:"
Sharing information and tips to increase earnings. Increase your passive, residual income. Guest bloggers welcome.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Google to Launch Major New Social Network Called Circles, Possibly Today (Updated)
Google to Launch Major New Social Network Called Circles, Possibly Today (Updated): "We believe that Google will preview a major new social service called Google Circles at South by Southwest Interactive today. Update: Google has now officially denied that Circles will launch here, but not that it exists. See final update below, as of afternoon Texas time Google does now deny that Circles exists. If what we've heard is correct, the service will offer photo, video and status message sharing. Everything users share on Circles will be shared only with the most appropriate circle of social contacts in their lives, not with all your contacts in bulk. Circles may be shown off at an event co-hosted tonight by the ACLU, an organization focused on privacy and the liberties it affords. It may not be a big public launch yet, but it's clear that this is a major product in the works at the very least. Please see below the fold for what I hope will be the final update on this for now."
LAX Passengers, Cargo Screened For Radiation Ahead Of Japan Plume « CBS Los Angeles
LAX Passengers, Cargo Screened For Radiation Ahead Of Japan Plume « CBS Los Angeles: "Air quality officials are monitoring the atmosphere on an hourly basis, and Neal Sheehan with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission says any amount of radioactive particles would be minimal.
Customs and Border Protection, which monitors ports, routinely screens passengers and cargo for radiation. Agents have been advised this week to pay particular attention to arrivals from Japan.
KNX 1070′s John Brooks reports detectors are now being used at LAX after low-level radiation has reportedly been found in Dallas and Chicago on passengers and planes coming in from Japan."
Customs and Border Protection, which monitors ports, routinely screens passengers and cargo for radiation. Agents have been advised this week to pay particular attention to arrivals from Japan.
KNX 1070′s John Brooks reports detectors are now being used at LAX after low-level radiation has reportedly been found in Dallas and Chicago on passengers and planes coming in from Japan."
Suicide at Costa Mesa City Hall | city, suicide, mesa - News - The Orange County Register
Suicide at Costa Mesa City Hall | city, suicide, mesa - News - The Orange County Register: "Pham, who had been home nursing a broken ankle, wasn't supposed to work Thursday but was called in about 2:30 p.m. to receive his layoff notice.
The City Council voted earlier this month to outsource 18 city services, from firefighting to maintenance, information technology and payroll. The city started handing out pink slips Thursday; around 213 of the city's 472 employees were to have been notified by the end of the day.
A Fountain Valley resident who worked for the city for 4 1/2 years, Pham was not married and did not have children.
His family gathered at his parents' home in Fountain Valley on Thursday night."
The City Council voted earlier this month to outsource 18 city services, from firefighting to maintenance, information technology and payroll. The city started handing out pink slips Thursday; around 213 of the city's 472 employees were to have been notified by the end of the day.
A Fountain Valley resident who worked for the city for 4 1/2 years, Pham was not married and did not have children.
His family gathered at his parents' home in Fountain Valley on Thursday night."
Thursday, March 17, 2011
"14 Mascots at 2011 NCAA men's basketball tournament games (Photos)
National Celebrity Headlines Examiner - Celebrity | "14 Mascots at 2011 NCAA men's basketball tournament games (Photos)
The 2011 NCAA men's basketball tournament is in full swing. On Thursday night the mascots were hard at work pleasing the fans. A big part of basketball games and when fans go to a college game they expect to be entertained the entire...
Tags:NCAA Mascots2011 NCAA Basketball2011 NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament"
The 2011 NCAA men's basketball tournament is in full swing. On Thursday night the mascots were hard at work pleasing the fans. A big part of basketball games and when fans go to a college game they expect to be entertained the entire...
Tags:NCAA Mascots2011 NCAA Basketball2011 NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament"
"Katy Perry starts 'California Dreams' UK tour: Stage fashion threads (Photos)
National Celebrity Headlines Examiner - Celebrity | "Katy Perry starts 'California Dreams' UK tour: Stage fashion threads (Photos)
Katy Perry stepped on stage to start her first night of ‘California Dreams’ on Thursday night. The opening of the UK tour at Hammersmith Apollo on March 17, 2011 in London, England had Europe's fans excited to see the performer...
Tags:Katy PerryUK TourCalifornia Dreams"
Katy Perry stepped on stage to start her first night of ‘California Dreams’ on Thursday night. The opening of the UK tour at Hammersmith Apollo on March 17, 2011 in London, England had Europe's fans excited to see the performer...
Tags:Katy PerryUK TourCalifornia Dreams"
Elizabeth Warren defends new consumer financial agency against strong criticism from Republicans | Money & Company | Los Angeles Times
Elizabeth Warren defends new consumer financial agency against strong criticism from Republicans | Money & Company | Los Angeles Times: "Appearing before a congressional committee for the first time since being appointed to launch the agency last fall, Warren didn't back down as she faced the Republican majority on a House Financial Services subcommittee.
'If we had had this agency six years ago, eight years ago, we would not be in the mess we are today,' she said.
Many of the Republicans on the committee opposed creation of the agency and now want to limit its budget and authority. They have opposed Warren's appointment to launch the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and criticized her recent role in negotiations between federal and state officials with mortgage servicers to resolve an investigation into botched foreclosure paperwork because she hasn't been nominated or confirmed by the Senate to head the new agency.
'You have a lot of discretion and a lot of power, but I see very little accountability,' said House Financial Services Committee Chairman Spencer Bachus (R-Ala.). Other Republicans slammed the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau as a 'self-regulated, unchecked body governed by one person' and an agency committed to 'consumer restriction' instead of consumer protection."
'If we had had this agency six years ago, eight years ago, we would not be in the mess we are today,' she said.
Many of the Republicans on the committee opposed creation of the agency and now want to limit its budget and authority. They have opposed Warren's appointment to launch the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and criticized her recent role in negotiations between federal and state officials with mortgage servicers to resolve an investigation into botched foreclosure paperwork because she hasn't been nominated or confirmed by the Senate to head the new agency.
'You have a lot of discretion and a lot of power, but I see very little accountability,' said House Financial Services Committee Chairman Spencer Bachus (R-Ala.). Other Republicans slammed the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau as a 'self-regulated, unchecked body governed by one person' and an agency committed to 'consumer restriction' instead of consumer protection."
BBC News - Japan quake: Power line laid to Fukushima nuclear plant
BBC News - Japan quake: Power line laid to Fukushima nuclear plant: "The Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco), which runs the plant, has been attempting to connect it to the main grid via a 1-km (0.6-mile) electricity cable.
Once power is restored, engineers should be able to re-activate the pumps which send coolant through the reactors and the pools where spent fuel rods are stored.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said the cable had reached the site by 1730 local time (0830 GMT) on Thursday, and that engineers planned to reconnect power to the reactor once workers have finished spraying seawater over reactor 3.
Tepco warned the process of reconnecting power could take up to 15 hours.
Helicopters and water cannon have been dumping seawater over the Fukushima reactors, to try to prevent fuel rods melting."
Sharing information and tips to increase earnings. Increase your passive, residual income. Guest bloggers welcome.
Once power is restored, engineers should be able to re-activate the pumps which send coolant through the reactors and the pools where spent fuel rods are stored.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said the cable had reached the site by 1730 local time (0830 GMT) on Thursday, and that engineers planned to reconnect power to the reactor once workers have finished spraying seawater over reactor 3.
Tepco warned the process of reconnecting power could take up to 15 hours.
Helicopters and water cannon have been dumping seawater over the Fukushima reactors, to try to prevent fuel rods melting."
Sharing information and tips to increase earnings. Increase your passive, residual income. Guest bloggers welcome.
Join Mike Huckabee and Demand Congress Repeal It NOW!
Join Mike Huckabee and Demand Congress Repeal It NOW!: "Do your part today to stop the damage before it is too late. For the good of the Country, Washington must be made to listen.
Together we will take back America!"
Together we will take back America!"
High levels of radiation not expected to reach the West Coast » Kitsap Sun
High levels of radiation not expected to reach the West Coast » Kitsap Sun: "Scott Lindquist, director of the Kitsap County Health District, advised local residents against using — or even buying — potassium iodide or other compounds to protect against radiation.
It appears, said Lindquist, that people are buying up supplies of potassium iodide from local stores.
'In my mind, we have to balance the risk of radiation against the risk of any medication we are going to take,' he said. 'It blows my mind that people are pulling this (KI) off the shelf. There are people in Japan who will need this.'
Since supplies may be limited, U.S. companies should be directing their available supplies to Japan, he said.
If there were a need for potassium iodide in Kitsap County, Lindquist said he would be able to treat the population from the Strategic National Stockpile. Within hours, he said, the medication could be distributed in preselected locations in every part of Kitsap County."
It appears, said Lindquist, that people are buying up supplies of potassium iodide from local stores.
'In my mind, we have to balance the risk of radiation against the risk of any medication we are going to take,' he said. 'It blows my mind that people are pulling this (KI) off the shelf. There are people in Japan who will need this.'
Since supplies may be limited, U.S. companies should be directing their available supplies to Japan, he said.
If there were a need for potassium iodide in Kitsap County, Lindquist said he would be able to treat the population from the Strategic National Stockpile. Within hours, he said, the medication could be distributed in preselected locations in every part of Kitsap County."
Banks Jack Up ATM Fees, Blame Regulations - ABC News
ATM fees possibly being charged. $5.00 (we just switched to a free checking = free if you use ATM only and no tellers). Is this something that they will eventually start charging bank customers too... not just non customers? Right now in Illinois CHASE is charging $5.00 for non customers..

Banks Jack Up ATM Fees, Blame Regulations - ABC News: "'Consumers need to understand that using an ATM not owned by your bank is double dumb,' Mierzwinksi says, since both banks charge fees for the same service.
There are between 450,000 and half a million ATMs in the U.S., Moebs says. It can cost up to $15,000 to maintain an ATM that isn't attached to a bank branch.

Banks Jack Up ATM Fees, Blame Regulations - ABC News: "'Consumers need to understand that using an ATM not owned by your bank is double dumb,' Mierzwinksi says, since both banks charge fees for the same service.
There are between 450,000 and half a million ATMs in the U.S., Moebs says. It can cost up to $15,000 to maintain an ATM that isn't attached to a bank branch.
Radiation Plume Course Charted by U.N. Agency -
Radiation Plume Course Charted by U.N. Agency - "In Germany on Wednesday, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection held a news conference that described the threat from the Japanese plume as trifling and said there was no need for people to take iodine tablets. The pills can prevent poisoning from the atmospheric release of iodine-131, a radioactive byproduct of nuclear plants. The United States is also carefully monitoring and forecasting the plume’s movements. The agencies include the Federal Aviation Administration, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Department of Defense, and the Department of Energy.
On Wednesday, Steven Chu, the energy secretary, told Congress that the United States was planning to deploy equipment in Japan that could detect radiation exposure on the ground and in the air. In total, the department’s team includes 39 people and more than eight tons of equipment."
On Wednesday, Steven Chu, the energy secretary, told Congress that the United States was planning to deploy equipment in Japan that could detect radiation exposure on the ground and in the air. In total, the department’s team includes 39 people and more than eight tons of equipment."
Radiation Plume Course Charted by U.N. Agency -
Radiation Plume Course Charted by U.N. Agency - "he projection, by the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization, an arm of the United Nations in Vienna, gives no information about actual radiation levels but only shows how a radioactive plume would probably move and disperse.
The forecast, calculated Tuesday, is based on patterns of Pacific winds at that time and the predicted path is likely to change as weather patterns shift.
On Sunday, the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission said it expected that no “harmful levels of radioactivity” would travel from Japan to the United States “given the thousands of miles between the two countries.”
The test ban treaty group routinely does radiation projections in an effort to understand which of its global stations to activate for monitoring the worldwide ban on nuclear arms testing. It has more than 60 stations that sniff the air"
The forecast, calculated Tuesday, is based on patterns of Pacific winds at that time and the predicted path is likely to change as weather patterns shift.
On Sunday, the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission said it expected that no “harmful levels of radioactivity” would travel from Japan to the United States “given the thousands of miles between the two countries.”
The test ban treaty group routinely does radiation projections in an effort to understand which of its global stations to activate for monitoring the worldwide ban on nuclear arms testing. It has more than 60 stations that sniff the air"
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Emperor Addresses Stricken Japan – Here's How You Can Help - Natural Disasters, Tsunami, Good Deeds :
Emperor Addresses Stricken Japan – Here's How You Can Help - Natural Disasters, Tsunami, Good Deeds : "• Global Giving has set up a relief fund where you can make a donation, which will be distributed to relief and emergency services in the affected region.
• Direct Relief International is reaching out to medical teams and emergency responders to offer assistance.
• Save the Children is mobilizing a response to the disaster in Japan with a focus on helping the youngest victims.
• International Medical Corps is sending medical supplies and relief teams to Japan. Help by donating $10 by texting MED to 80888.
• Make a $10 donation to the Red Cross by text messaging REDCROSS to 90999 or visit to donate online.
If you're looking for a loved one in the disaster area, Google People Finder is a good place to start."
• Direct Relief International is reaching out to medical teams and emergency responders to offer assistance.
• Save the Children is mobilizing a response to the disaster in Japan with a focus on helping the youngest victims.
• International Medical Corps is sending medical supplies and relief teams to Japan. Help by donating $10 by texting MED to 80888.
• Make a $10 donation to the Red Cross by text messaging REDCROSS to 90999 or visit to donate online.
If you're looking for a loved one in the disaster area, Google People Finder is a good place to start."
Wholesale prices spike on steep rise in food, oil - Yahoo! Finance
Wholesale prices spike on steep rise in food, oil - Yahoo! Finance: "economists expect the earthquake in Japan to lower oil prices for the next month or two, which should temper increases in wholesale prices in coming months. Japan is a big oil consumer, and its economy will suffer in the aftermath of the quake. But as the country begins to rebuild later this year, the cost of oil and other raw materials, such as steel and cement, could rise.
Oil prices fell sharply Tuesday as fears about Japan's nuclear crisis intensified. Oil dropped $4.01, or 4 percent, to settle at $97.18 per barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.
Prices rose 1 percent for apparel, the most in 21 years. Costs also increased for cars, jewelry, and consumer plastics.
There was little sign of inflationary pressures outside of food and energy. Core prices have increased 1.8 percent in the past 12 months.
Separately, the Commerce Department said Wednesday that home construction plunged to a seasonally adjusted 479,000 homes last month, down 22.5 percent from the previous month. It was lowest level since April 2009, and the second-lowest on records dating back more than a half-century.
The building pace is far below the 1.2 million units a year that economists consider healthy."
Sharing information and tips to increase earnings. Increase your passive, residual income. Guest bloggers welcome.
Oil prices fell sharply Tuesday as fears about Japan's nuclear crisis intensified. Oil dropped $4.01, or 4 percent, to settle at $97.18 per barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.
Prices rose 1 percent for apparel, the most in 21 years. Costs also increased for cars, jewelry, and consumer plastics.
There was little sign of inflationary pressures outside of food and energy. Core prices have increased 1.8 percent in the past 12 months.
Separately, the Commerce Department said Wednesday that home construction plunged to a seasonally adjusted 479,000 homes last month, down 22.5 percent from the previous month. It was lowest level since April 2009, and the second-lowest on records dating back more than a half-century.
The building pace is far below the 1.2 million units a year that economists consider healthy."
Sharing information and tips to increase earnings. Increase your passive, residual income. Guest bloggers welcome.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Exclusive: Tokyo Disneyland guest shares Japanese earthquake details from park - National Celebrity Headlines |
Exclusive: Tokyo Disneyland guest shares Japanese earthquake details from park - National Celebrity Headlines | "If you have been watching the news, an 8.8 earthquake hit Japan Friday morning and there has been mass destruction. The earthquake had an extraordinarily immense impact, including at the Tokyo Disneyland. Our good friend Ginny Franklin is at Tokyo Disneyland on vacation with her family and is in the midst of the situation.
It has only been about three hours since the earthquake hit, but there is a lot of interest in Tokyo Disneyland and the fate of the guests who were at the park when the quake hit. According to our friend, the guests in"
It has only been about three hours since the earthquake hit, but there is a lot of interest in Tokyo Disneyland and the fate of the guests who were at the park when the quake hit. According to our friend, the guests in"
South Carolina Considers Alternate Penalties for Drivers Caught Going Slightly Above Speed Limit -
South Carolina Considers Alternate Penalties for Drivers Caught Going Slightly Above Speed Limit - "Several of the state's 46 counties already have laws on the books that create careless-driving tickets as alternatives to a statewide traffic violation, reported The State newspaper, which detailed the legislative debate. The state law would apply across the state's 270 municipalities.
Careless-driving laws began to rise in popularity with towns and cities in the early 1980s and even more so in the mid-1990s when the state began tacking on several new fees to pay for a slew of programs related to public safety and the criminal justice system, the newspaper reported.
'It was both an attempt to dodge insurance points and to dodge the court fees imposed by the state,' Howard Duvall, the former longtime director of the Municipal Association of South Carolina, told the newspaper."
Careless-driving laws began to rise in popularity with towns and cities in the early 1980s and even more so in the mid-1990s when the state began tacking on several new fees to pay for a slew of programs related to public safety and the criminal justice system, the newspaper reported.
'It was both an attempt to dodge insurance points and to dodge the court fees imposed by the state,' Howard Duvall, the former longtime director of the Municipal Association of South Carolina, told the newspaper."
Changing ticket prices in sports fans’ futures SportsWatch - MarketWatch
Changing ticket prices in sports fans’ futures SportsWatch - MarketWatch: "Sports fans are used to paying higher ticket prices, be it from scalpers or online exchanges such as StubHub. But increasingly, it’s the teams that are the ones changing the price.
NFL, players extend talks
Ed Garvey, former executive director of the NFL Players Association, and NFL players' agent Robert Roche talk with Lee Hawkins about what's at stake and possibility of an agreement.
In the past two months, the St. Louis Cardinals and Oakland Athletics have set up for what’s known as dynamic pricing — where the cost of seats varies based on a number of factors, including demand, quality of opponent and even weather. The Chicago White Sox introduced the system for its final homestand last season.
Think airfares or hotel rooms, where the same thing bought three months earlier may be sold at a different price for the day before.
Several basketball teams, including the Cleveland Cavaliers, Utah Jazz and Houston Rockets, already employ dynamic pricing, but it’s arguably baseball where the system will have the greatest impact."
NFL, players extend talks
Ed Garvey, former executive director of the NFL Players Association, and NFL players' agent Robert Roche talk with Lee Hawkins about what's at stake and possibility of an agreement.
In the past two months, the St. Louis Cardinals and Oakland Athletics have set up for what’s known as dynamic pricing — where the cost of seats varies based on a number of factors, including demand, quality of opponent and even weather. The Chicago White Sox introduced the system for its final homestand last season.
Think airfares or hotel rooms, where the same thing bought three months earlier may be sold at a different price for the day before.
Several basketball teams, including the Cleveland Cavaliers, Utah Jazz and Houston Rockets, already employ dynamic pricing, but it’s arguably baseball where the system will have the greatest impact."
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Gems From 2008 Paris Theft Found in Drainpipe -
NOTE: This was known as the robbery of the century as the Winston jeweler valued the jewelry initially at $110 million. This is clever story, even if it's not America's Economy - it is fascinating.
They found one diamond ring the size of a child’s marble, along with 18 other rings and 3 earrings, in a plastic container inside a concrete mold at the home of the man suspected as the mastermind in Seine-Saint-Denis.
The police were saying little about Monday’s discovery of jewelry valued at $20.6 million other than dryly describing the inventory. “We are saying nothing, nothing,” a police spokeswoman said Tuesday. “The judge is not happy that the information came out.”"
Number of the Week: Workers Not Benefiting From Productivity Gains - Real Time Economics - WSJ
Number of the Week: Workers Not Benefiting From Productivity Gains - Real Time Economics - WSJ: "Hourly wages, adjusted for inflation, rose only 0.3%, according to the Labor Department. In other words, companies shared only 6% of productivity gains with their workers. That compares to 58% since records began in 1947.
To some extent, it stands to reason that workers would do poorly in the early stages of a recovery. Unemployment is high, so they have little bargaining power. But that’s not what has happened during most of the recoveries of the last 60 years. Workers typically received at least half of productivity gains in the form of higher wages. Only in the recovery from the deep recession of the early 1980s, when inflation-adjusted hourly wages fell 0.4%, did workers do worse than they have in this recovery. Back then, though, inflation was much higher: In nominal terms, wages rose 5.7%, compared to 3.1% now."
To some extent, it stands to reason that workers would do poorly in the early stages of a recovery. Unemployment is high, so they have little bargaining power. But that’s not what has happened during most of the recoveries of the last 60 years. Workers typically received at least half of productivity gains in the form of higher wages. Only in the recovery from the deep recession of the early 1980s, when inflation-adjusted hourly wages fell 0.4%, did workers do worse than they have in this recovery. Back then, though, inflation was much higher: In nominal terms, wages rose 5.7%, compared to 3.1% now."
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
A Tale of Two Industries: Banking and Everyone Else
This is a squidoo lens which has much information and links. It is great page that gives quite a viewpoint. Worth a good lookover and read.
The Banks are booming. At least that is how it would feel if you worked for an investment bank. As a shareholder or pensioner relying on bank dividends and share price growth you may feel otherwise. Meanwhile engineers, scientists and in fact anyone who does anything useful for a living may be feeling poorer than ever: Design engineers and research scientists are now often earning less than 'back-office' admin staff in investment banks. I semi-retired from the silicon chip design industry (I am now an independent consultant) a few years ago and we too had our own boom and bust"
KEEP READING: A Tale of Two Industries: Banking and Everyone Else
Sharing information and tips to increase earnings. Increase your passive, residual income. Guest bloggers welcome.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Schumer Wants Obama To Release Reserve | WKBW News 7: News, Sports, Weather | Buffalo, NY | Local
Schumer Wants Obama To Release Reserve | WKBW News 7: News, Sports, Weather | Buffalo, NY | Local: "U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer Tuesday called on President Barack Obama to deploy the Department of Energy’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve in order to clamp down on skyrocketing gas prices in New York and around the country. In the wake of the recent unrest in the Middle East, which has affected the supply from Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) member nations, such as Libya, in addition to disruptions at critical transportation choke points like the Suez Canal in Egypt, the price of oil has climbed to new heights. Last Friday the weekly U.S. average price per gallon of oil climbed to $3.51, a 33 cent jump from two weeks"
Gas prices: How high will they go? : News :
Even listening to Neil Cavato just now on Fox News there are critics blasting the White House Administration and the INterior Department for delays in permits and slow response to gas price hikes.
Foolish for us to ignore the resources we have and we should pursue them is the mantra by Neil's guest. The Administration has been ordered to act on 5 drilling permits.
Wild Hair Brained Idea: I want to know - why doesn't Congress just give everyone an electric car and create permit fees of 50-100 to use it monthly. NO need to touch the reserves - just give anyone that wants one a cheap electric car to rent monthly.
In Mid-Missouri, gas prices have spiked about 20 cents in the past week. Jefferson City checks in with the most expensive gas at $3.40 per gallon. According to AAA; most other local cities are now selling gas for $3.39. On Monday, some Columbia gas stations were selling gas for $3.26 and $3.30 at parts of the Lake; but not anymore.
CNN reports California drivers are paying the most for gas. The state’s average is more than $3.90, but parts of Southern California have gas selling for nearly $5.00 a gallon."
Do You Need a Credit Report for Your Online Life? FAcebook offers Movie Rentals
So says MyWebCareer, an early stage startup that has developed algorithms to run your “Career Score,” a credit check for your professional web persona. The service analyzes your Facebook profile, LinkedIn network, Twitter account and Google juice — evaluating more than 200 different variables in the process — and spits out a score between 350 to 850." KEEEP reading by clicking on title link
Great article ! America's Economy is changing and evolving.
Now check out this other Mashable article by Stan Schroeder
Warner Bros. Starts Movie Rental Service on Facebook
*photo is public domain and fair use
Saturday, March 5, 2011
USDA projects 2 to 3 percent increase in food prices in 2011 - Kingsport Times-News Online
NOTE: I guess they didn't consider it food price inflation as packages and weights were smaller and prices the same...not as many sale prices can also be inflation. This last winter we had lots of food sales, now they do not SEEM as deeply discounted. At least the USDA is more scientific than my how it FEELS as I grocery shop.
“Although food price inflation was relatively weak for most of 2009 and 2010, higher food commodity and energy prices recently have put pressure on wholesale and retail food prices,” the agency notes on its Web site. “The all-food CPI increased 0.8 percent between 2009 and 2010, the lowest food inflation rate since 1962. Food-at-home prices increased by 0.3 percent — the lowest annual increase since 1967 — with cereal and bakery prices declining 0.8 percent and processed fruit and vegetable prices dropping 1.3 percent, while food-away-fromhome prices rose 1.3 percent in 2010, the lowest annual increase for restaurant prices since 1955.”"
Friday, March 4, 2011
Rising Gas Prices Hit Home -
Note we can relate: selling a home when you are out aways in a depressed market means you may end up with short sale, or foreclosure - it is even hard to find renters to reduce the loss.
Rising Gas Prices Hit Home - "Since then, the home's value has fallen nearly 40% and his wages have been cut 20%. About two years ago, the monthly payments on his home jumped to $2,400 from the original $1,800, taking a big bite from his $45,000 annual salary. Still, Mr. McBean has held on and continued to make his payments.
But the rising price of gasoline, currently around $3.40 a gallon in the Homestead area, has hurt. Mr. McBean said his gasoline costs doubled in recent years and it now costs him $80 to $100 a week to fuel his 1997 Ford F-150 truck. And his expenses are likely to keep rising; energy analysts expect average gas prices to hit a peak somewhere between $3.75 and $4.25 nationally this summer, in part because of turmoil in the Middle East.
With the higher mortgage and gasoline costs, and a one-hour commute to Miami on Florida's Turnpike, Mr. McBean is considering leaving Homestead, though he hopes to avoid foreclosure. 'I would like to move somewhere closer to work,' he said. 'The money I could save over three to four years, I could put down on another home.'"
Keep reading by clicking title link above.
Rising Gas Prices Hit Home - "Since then, the home's value has fallen nearly 40% and his wages have been cut 20%. About two years ago, the monthly payments on his home jumped to $2,400 from the original $1,800, taking a big bite from his $45,000 annual salary. Still, Mr. McBean has held on and continued to make his payments.
But the rising price of gasoline, currently around $3.40 a gallon in the Homestead area, has hurt. Mr. McBean said his gasoline costs doubled in recent years and it now costs him $80 to $100 a week to fuel his 1997 Ford F-150 truck. And his expenses are likely to keep rising; energy analysts expect average gas prices to hit a peak somewhere between $3.75 and $4.25 nationally this summer, in part because of turmoil in the Middle East.
With the higher mortgage and gasoline costs, and a one-hour commute to Miami on Florida's Turnpike, Mr. McBean is considering leaving Homestead, though he hopes to avoid foreclosure. 'I would like to move somewhere closer to work,' he said. 'The money I could save over three to four years, I could put down on another home.'"
Keep reading by clicking title link above.
Mortgage Fraud Whitewash: $20 Billion “Get Out of Jail Free” Settlement Floated « naked capitalism
Last weeks news - but very important. great article
The magic number across the industry is a mere $20 billion"
Avoid Foreclosure/U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
HOw easily they make people believe all hope is gone... WORD MATTER. your last chance to save your home? NOT REALLY -
Redemption period - your last chance to save your home
Local renting resources
Rental assistance
Relocation resources
U.S. Postal Service Movers Guide"
Government, banks wrestle over settlements in botched foreclosures - Sacramento Business, Housing Market News | Sacramento Bee
NOTE: see sister blog Foreclosures, Evictions and You post for additional narrative re: settlement
YEAH MAXINE! Thank-you! WE are talking these people should be in jail not dictating what happens to those defrauded. The standard is triple damages.... not reduced principle or new loans with low interest (which many who are damaged cannot afford after losing jobs, equity and more).
'This settlement is too small and will likely have one of two results: Either borrowers will receive insignificant principal reductions, or reductions will only be available to a small subset of troubled borrowers,' Waters said.
But others contend writing down principal could cause more problems by encouraging homeowners to stop making their monthly payments, hoping to score a reduction in what they owe.
'The magic wand is principal reduction ... but to what extent does it encourage people to stop paying?' said Bert Ely, an independent banking analyst. Some banks might balk at such a requirement, he said."
Thursday, March 3, 2011
TAXES: How to Recreate Mileage Log |

Needing tax basic info: Recreate a mileage log or mileage book, file without 1099, or how to deduct biz expenses. The following are intro's to Basic articles with link to more information if needed:
How to Recreate Mileage Log | "Recreate Mileage Log
User-Submitted Article
Here are suggestions on how to recreate a written log that will help document your deduction.
User-Submitted Article
Here are suggestions on how to recreate a written log that will help document your deduction.
Step 1. Get out your calendars of appointments. Copy this calender onto a MASTER calendar. In the next steps we are seeking more information and documentation. You may use a computer calendar or one that you hand write everything into."
- Remember this is potential savings of up to $12000 per year if you are alrady drawing SS. If you have yet to retire it is potential 7-10 years of tax free ...
Top Five Tips to Money Savings on Taxes
How to Get Government Interest Free Loan for up to 10 Years
You can save thousands in interest with careful planning. Make sure to include your financial adviser to get best
Read more: How to Get Government Interest Free Loan for up to 10 Years |
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