Saturday, March 26, 2011

Florida law firm to pay $2 million to settle foreclosure fraud charges - The Washington Post

NOTE: INQUIRING Minds would like to know why it takes AG's to do the job (AND DETERMINE SETTTLEMENT AWARDS) when the courts ARE NOT doing their job. If Florida and other states had the judges with 1/2 the caliber of New York's Judge Schack, the necessity of the AG investigation would be moot point.

Florida law firm to pay $2 million to settle foreclosure fraud charges - The Washington Post: "Bondi is among the Republican attorneys general who have expressed doubts about the deal being crafted by the Obama administration and the other state attorneys general.

Half of the fees paid by Marshall Watson will go to the Florida attorney general’s office to fund investigations; the rest will go to a state nonprofit group that provides legal assistance to Florida homeowners facing foreclosure. The settlement also requires the firm to prepare foreclosure paperwork beyond what is required by Florida law.

Thomas Ice, whose Florida law firm was the first to depose Jeffrey Stephan, the now famous “robo-signer” whose testimony forced banks to impose a mass freeze on foreclosures last fall, said the settlement is “a step in the right direction” but does not go far enough because it does not help those who have lost their homes to possibly fraudulent practices.

“I think there are going to be a lot of people upset about this,"

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